So, it's been a while since I've blogged. I'm sure you guys have missed me, right? Well, if not, I'm going to pretend you did anyway.
I wish I could say that the reason I haven't blogged in a while is because my life is so fantastically exciting that I just haven't had the time, but if I said that, I'd be telling lies. My mama taught me not to tell lies, so I'll just fill you in with my mundane life starting with where I left off last time.
Last time I filled you in on how my grandpa passed away and we traveled to New York for his funeral and stopped by in Hoboken, NJ and stopped at Carlo's Bake Shop from the TLC show Cake Boss. Since then, my grandma had been staying with us. I can honestly say that it was so fantastic to be able to spend so much time with her. I know the circumstances sucked, but I love her lots and I missed her dearly! She went back to Florida mid-July. I miss her being here, but I'm happy knowing that she's creating her new life.
me and Nana the day she left to go back to FL
Since she's gone home, my church had bible school for 2 weeks. It was exhausting, but it was a lot of fun! We had a good turnout of kids and they seemed to really enjoy themselves. This years theme was Big Apple Adventure since the first vacation bible school happened in New York. It was a really cute theme and I personally really enjoyed it, however I still have the theme song stuck in my head!
*Bi bi bi bi bi bi big apple adventure...where faith and life connect Jesus directs my future...*

We ended bible school on Thursday, July 28th and then the next morning, we took our youth trip. This year we went to Gettysburg, PA (which was awesome) and I really wish we would have had more time there. We got to tour the museum but didn't have enough time to tour the battlefields because we had to be in Lancaster by 6:30 to go see the play "Joseph" at the Sights and Sounds Theater, which is FANTASTIC. I love that place. If I lived closer, I'd go every time they put out a new play. They're always amazing! We went back to the hotel that night and crashed, then the next day went to Kennywood. For those of you who don't know, I love amusement park atmospheres, but I'm a complete chicken when it comes to rides. Well, I rode a ride and apparently I was pretty amusing. I had a goofy look on my face the whole ride and screamed like a little girl. Please note that there were children about the age of 8 on this ride and they were just fine. I know, I'm a dork.
See? I look like I'm about to cry. |
After we got back, it was Christian's birthday!! Little goober face is 8 now! He's playing football this year and I couldn't be happier. Better than that, HE couldn't be happier! He loves it!
So grown up!! |
Well, I think that's about it. I'll try to update more often!