Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just the thought of you can drive me wild, oh you make me smile.

So am I the only person who loves the song "Smile" by Uncle Kracker? It gets in my head and I just want to dance around and be happy. Maybe I'm weird. Who knows? :o)

In case you've been wondering what's been going on in my life, I'll fill ya in. First off, I spent last weekend in Florida with my grandparents. It was amazing and warm and stress-free, which was my entire reason for going. Literally, I slept in, ate and sat in the sun all weekend. It was wonderful. Plus, it was nice seeing my grandparents. I don't get to see them that often, so the weekend was much needed. I also got to spend some time with my aunt and uncle who I see once a year, if that. It was absolutely wonderful! Of course, the second I got down there, everyone was asking me why on earth I didn't bring Jared along with me! They were excited to see me, but would have been more excited to see him. Haha

Speaking of Jared, everything between us is great! I can't speak for him, but I know that I haven't been happier in a LONG time! I literally get butterflies and get all goofy when I just talk about him, let alone see him. When we're together, it's just like I just want to stop time so we can spend as long as we want together without having to deal with the outside world. Ya know, people have told me for a long time that one day, out of the blue, someone would come along and sweep me off my feet, and I've always told them that they were crazy. Well, enjoy this moment people, I am now admitting that I was wrong. He came along at a time when I had pretty much just given up, and thought that I might as well start buying cats so that way I could get a head start on the whole "crazy cat lady" thing. I never saw him coming, and now he has completely swept me off my feet. I'm in deep people! are you?

"Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth living for, being brave for, risking everything for and the trouble is, if you don't risk everything, you risk even more." ~Erica Jong

Monday, February 15, 2010

Without love, life is rock and roll without a drummer.

So, you all may be wondering, "How was Ashley's Valentine's Day?" and that is a good thing to wonder. (And if you didn't wonder before, I bet you are now) I'll fill ya in because it was amazing!

First off, I have the most amazing boyfriend in the world. Hands down. Just sayin'.

OK, so here's how things went down. All week I was bouncy and giddy waiting for Sunday, so when Sunday morning got here, I was flipping ecstatic to say the least. I go to church, all the while counting down the hours/minutes/seconds, etc. until I got to see Jared. Cheesy, I know. Anywho, so he gets to the apartment and we hang out for a few minutes, but we leave because we were going to see a movie with Eric and Ashley.

OK, before I go any further, let me just say this. Not only am I wearing a dress for V-day, I'm also wearing pantyhose and heels. If that's not a sign of love, nothing is. Anyhoo...

We go to the movie theater and it is PACKED. Seriously, it was as bad as the midnight premiere of New Moon. So, since we had dinner reservations at the dog track, we just decided to go hang out there until dinner time. We have a blast and dinner was great, but I still would have been happy with going to Taco Bell in our sweats. After dinner, we part ways from Eric and Ashley, then come back to the apartment when my sister, Josh (her bf), Mom and Dad show up and ask us if we want to go to Dairy Queen. We go and had an absolute blast. FYI: tiny booths are not made for not tiny people.

Moving on...

We come back to the apartment and hang out for about an hour or so, then he went home. I hated to watch him go! I wished at that moment in time that I had that whole Zack Morris "time out" ability so I could freeze time.

And that was my Valentine's day. It was amazing and I couldn't have imagined anything better. Anyone wondering what he got me? Yeah, I thought so. He got me a dozen roses, lots of amazing chocolate and he made me a CD of him singing, which literally made me cry.

See what I mean? He's amazing right? I'm in trouble here...I'm falling and falling hard! I've never been that kind of girl who goes head over heels for some guy, but with him it just feels so right! It's really hard to be cynical when you have someone like him! What's a girl to do?! :o)

Well, I believe that I've said my peace, so I'll continue working and I'll see ya in the funny papers!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

My poor blog, I've neglected it! Oh well, I had reasons for my actions.

So for those of you who may have noticed that this hasn't been updated in a few may have been wondering what happened to me. Well you can sleep easy knowing that I haven't been abducted by aliens, I've just been in the process of moving. Yes, you heard me right, moving. My sister and I have moved into a townhouse in Nitro and we're finally almost settled in...oh except for the part where we have no furniture, well not living room furniture anyway. Both of us have beds and our bedrooms and bathrooms are good, but right now in the living room is 2 folding chairs, a computer chair and an entertainment center. It's a little bare bones right now, but I'm loving every minute of it. I thoroughly enjoy being on my own. It's kinda nice. 

Well, today marks 5 months of dating for me and Jared. I'm incredibly happy and I think he is too, so that's all that matters. All I know is that whenever I think of him, I get butterflies in my stomach and I can't help but smile. If any of you know me well, you know I'm not that kind of girl, so this is big deal!

So, faithful readers, please explain something to me if you can. I'm listening to a Pandora radio station on my iPhone and I'm listening to songs by Paramore, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Kelly Clarkson, and other artists such as that, when all of the sudden a Demi Lavato song comes on. I'm sorry Pandora, since when does a Disney Channel girl singing her uppety music fit in the same category as Paramore? If any of you can answer that, I'd greatly appreciate it!

OK, well I must leave you now. Until next time, savor the small moments, laugh at the cheesy things and love with your whole heart.