Thursday, March 4, 2010

If I were...

So Jennifer did this on her blog and it seemed amusing, so I thought, hey, why not give it a whirl myself? Here it is, for your enjoying pleasure!

If I were a month, I would be... May. It's my birthday, and you can't deny that the weather is beautiful!
If I were a day of the week, I would be Saturday. It's a day off work, and during the fall, it's football day!
If I were a time of day, I would be dinner time, whenever that may be. I love either going to dinner or making dinner at home, but I love the whole thing!
If I were a planet, I would be Pluto. I agree with Jennifer, it's always a planet in my heart.
If I were a sea animal, I would be a killer whale. Then I'd kill something and watch the world would think it was crazy and absurd for a killer whale to kill something!
If I were a direction, I would be "take a quick right turn at the corner". Seriously? Am I going that quick or can I slow down while taking said right turn.
If I were a piece of furniture, I would be a bed. Oh so cozy!
If I were a liquid, I would be sweet tea. However, if I were sweet tea, I'd constantly want to drink myself, probably not a great idea.
If I were a gemstone, I would be a diamond! They are girls best friends ya know.
If I were a tree, I would be a mighty sequoia. I don't know, how often do you really get to say the phrase "mighty sequoia"?
If I were a tool, I would be one of those freaking awesome tools that has every tool Craftsman has ever made all rolled into one.
If I were a flower, I would be a gerber daisy. They're just so cute!
If I were a kind of weather, I would be 75 degrees, sunny, with just a hint of a breeze.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a flute. I used to be kickin' at the flute. Yeah, be jealous.
If I were a color, I would be green, but not that baby poop green, something pretty.
If I were an emotion, I would be in love. There's nothing better than being in love!
If I were a fruit, I would be a kiwi, those things are amazing!
If I were a sound, I would be the sounds of kids playing on the playground. There's something about that sound that puts glee in my soul.
If I were an element, I would be water, that way I could make the rain and snow go away at my command.
If I were a car, I would be awesome. I don't know of a particular car I'd be, just something awesome.
If I were a food, I would be a big pan of lasagna.
If I were a place, I would be NYC. That place is great!
If I were a material, I would be something soft. I'm a very tactile person and soft fabrics make me happy
If I were a taste, I would be chocolate.
If I were a scent, I would be the smell of  a freshly bathed baby.
If I were an object, I would be a lamp. I don't know, it's the first thing I saw
If I were a body part, I would be an ear.
If I were a facial expression, I would be a smile. I like to smile, smiling's my favorite.
If I were a song, I would be anything sappy and romantic.
If I were a pair of shoes, I would be comfy, but not like earth shoes comfy, the kind of comfy where I'm still cute. :o)