So, lately I've been relatively brain dead when it comes to writing in my blog. I really enjoy writing and I love the little thrill you get when you see that yay...12 people have read my blog!! I've been trying to come up with ideas, and the other day one struck me at work. We were talking about people's different little quirks that make them who they are and I was laughing over some of mine and that's when it hit me to blog about them. So without further delay, here are some of my quirks. Hope you enjoy!
- I hate yellow highlighters! Call me crazy if you will, but for some reason yellow highlighters get on my nerves. Maybe it's the contrast between the brightness of the yellow against the white of the paper. I don't know, but whatever it is, I hate them! I always throw them away or give them to someone else when I get a pack of highlighters for school.
- I hate seafood. I want to like it, I really do. However, I spent a lot of time going fishing with my grandpa, so I've been in a lot of bait shops. I just can't bring myself to eat something that tastes the way a bait shop smells. Yuck!
You said it, Bruce.
- I hate food with air. Yes, food with air! Have you ever taken a bite of whipped cream or mousse and had little air bubbles pop in your mouth? Yeah, that's gross. I can't stand it!
 | with air! Yuck.
- I love blue pens! For some reason, I like blue better than any other color pen. Black is too depressing and blends in with the page and red is always associated with doing bad on a paper, but blue is just right! Love blue pens!
Crazy, I know.
Well, that's all I'm going to bore you guys with today...what are some of your quirks?
Ashley <3 |