Monday, February 8, 2010

My poor blog, I've neglected it! Oh well, I had reasons for my actions.

So for those of you who may have noticed that this hasn't been updated in a few may have been wondering what happened to me. Well you can sleep easy knowing that I haven't been abducted by aliens, I've just been in the process of moving. Yes, you heard me right, moving. My sister and I have moved into a townhouse in Nitro and we're finally almost settled in...oh except for the part where we have no furniture, well not living room furniture anyway. Both of us have beds and our bedrooms and bathrooms are good, but right now in the living room is 2 folding chairs, a computer chair and an entertainment center. It's a little bare bones right now, but I'm loving every minute of it. I thoroughly enjoy being on my own. It's kinda nice. 

Well, today marks 5 months of dating for me and Jared. I'm incredibly happy and I think he is too, so that's all that matters. All I know is that whenever I think of him, I get butterflies in my stomach and I can't help but smile. If any of you know me well, you know I'm not that kind of girl, so this is big deal!

So, faithful readers, please explain something to me if you can. I'm listening to a Pandora radio station on my iPhone and I'm listening to songs by Paramore, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Kelly Clarkson, and other artists such as that, when all of the sudden a Demi Lavato song comes on. I'm sorry Pandora, since when does a Disney Channel girl singing her uppety music fit in the same category as Paramore? If any of you can answer that, I'd greatly appreciate it!

OK, well I must leave you now. Until next time, savor the small moments, laugh at the cheesy things and love with your whole heart.


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I think the radio station has sold out. lol.

That's great that you're so happy! You completely deserve it! PS: I have tons of extra furniture if you'd like some of it. I have a few end tables, living room lamps and an extra coffee table. Let me know.

Ashley said...

Absolutely! Anything you'd be willing to donate to a loving home would be greatly appreciated!