Good morning kids! I saw this on my friend
Jennifer's blog and decided I'm going to do it as well. You're apparently supposed to tag people, but I hate calling people out, so if you want to do it too, have at it. It really is what all the cool kids are doing these days. :o) Anyway, what you're supposed to do is pick 10 of your favorite things, so without further adieu, I present to you,
My 10 Favorite Things:
Laughing! I absolutely love something that will make me laugh so hard I cry. There really isn't a better feeling! Laughter is the best medicine! It can make you feel better when you're feeling all around crummy. It reduces stress hormones, releases good hormones like endorphins and helps lower blood pressure. See? What are you waiting on? Laugh!!
9. Babies! I just love babies. From their oh so soft skin, to their teeny tiny toes, to their little bitty ears. I even love them when they're crying or have a dirty diaper. Some people are bothered by those things, but I just think it's so sweet. Plus, it's a good feeling to know that just by holding, changing or feeding them, they can relax and for anyone who has ever felt a once screaming baby relax in your arms, it's a great feeling.
8. Elderly people! So many people write off the elderly like they are no longer a functioning part of society. I hate that! The older generations have so many stories to tell! They know things we have no clue about. I've talked to many older people who know what it's like to only have the food that you raise or grow. I know nothing about what it takes to have a successful garden. I'm convinced that plants drop dead at the sheer sight of me. These older people have survived wars, depression and some of the most crazy parts of our American history. I can remember my great-grandma sitting with me and just telling me stories of what it was like when she was younger. Yes, I know that they can get cranky and cantankerous (I really just wanted to use that word) but a lot of times, they're having to adjust to life changes and diseases taking over their bodies as well as their friends. I know when my great-grandma passed away, she didn't have hardly any of her friends alive. Think about what they've been through and see how happy you feel.

7. Weddings! I love weddings. I don't care if I know you or not, I love them. I can watch TV weddings and I cry. I'm the kind of person that would be a wedding crasher, but just come to the wedding, cry and go home. I don't even need to go to the reception and take the food. You know Katherine Heigl's character on 27 Dresses and how she is about weddings? Yeah, that's me. I live for the weddings when the bride is walking down then aisle smiling as big as can be and the groom is at the end of the aisle crying. Love it. Love, love, love, love.
6. My friends! I sincerely believe I have the best friends in the world! I feel I have 3 absolute best friends, Beth, Annie and Nikki. I've known Beth since we were infants. Literally known each other our whole lives. Annie I've known since 9th grade. Nikki I've known since my junior year at Marshall. Each of them are different, but oh so awesome! I love these guys!
(<-- Beth)
(<-- Nikki)
5. Movies! I love going to movies, I love renting movies, I love watching made for TV movies...I just like movies!!! Some favorites? Of course the Twilight Saga movies (Eclipse being the favorite), Hairspray and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.
4. Food! I love all kinds of food! Italian food, Greek food, American food, you name it! (Except Chinese food...ick!) Of course I have my certain items that I don't care for, such as things cooked on the BBQ, box mac and cheese and meat that isn't cow, pig, turkey or chicken, but for the most part, I'll eat anything!

haha :o)
3. Jesus! I have been in church my whole life. I don't know where or what I'd be without my Jesus! I can't thank Him enough for his grace!!
2. Jacey! Oh my adorably ridiculous little girl...she's so goofy looking it's precious! She barks way too much and listens way too little, but she's my baby girl. She's such a good snuggler and she makes me happy! Love that girl!
1. Christian! He's my favorite...always, always, always. He's my goober face, my rotten egg, my stinky mcstinkface. I love that kid with all my heart! He's the best thing to ever happen to me! Nothing left to say about that!
So there ya have it. It's kind of long and there's lots of pictures, but now you know my 10 favorite things!