Thursday, May 26, 2011


All my life I've been the person that can go to sleep, sleep through anything and if I get woken up, I fall right back to sleep. That is, until recently. Recently, I've become this person who has so much trouble going back to sleep it's not funny. And for those of you who don't know, I'm not the kind of person who is made to run on just a few hours of sleep. I need 7, minimum. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's stress, maybe I'm just thinking about too many things, who knows. Whatever this is needs to quit. ASAP. Does anyone else have this problem? I mean, I know some people are just light sleepers, but has anyone else gone from one extreme to the other?

Sigh...I just wanna sleep. Goodnight kids (I hope)!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What's with the storms?!

"A wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but deliverance from fear." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

Has anyone else noticed all of the storms lately? It seems like every day here, it's raining or storming. In the south, hundreds were killed by tornadoes caused by storms. Just yesterday, over a hundred people were killed in yet another storm. And I'm not just talking meteorological storms either. It seems like everywhere you turn, someone is dealing with a personal storm. I know I've talked to several people recently that it just seems like this dark cloud is following them around. Heck, I'll be honest, I'm one of those people. So tell me, what's with all of the storms?

We don't have any choice but to wait them out. We can run, but the storms are going to come anyway. You can move from a place that has lots and lots of storms, but no matter where you are, you're going to get hit. There's going to be lightning that sends chills to your toes. There's going to be thunder that practically stops your heart. There's going to be rain, there's going to be wind, it's going to happen no matter where you are. So what do we do? We wait. We take cover. We pray for the deliverance from the fear. 

I used to be terrified of storms. Now, when I say terrified, I mean I was in high school and if it were storming, I'd  go sleep in the room with my mom. Not sure what she was going to do to protect me, but it sure was nice knowing she was there with her arm around me, making sure that I knew that everything was going to be OK. Now, they just make me a little uneasy. Is it because storms stopped happening? Oh no. It's because I've learned that I can't do anything to change them, but I sure can change my attitude toward them. I've learned that they don't last forever and soon the sun will shine again.

Keep this in mind when you're going through the next storm of your life. Whether it's literal or emotional lighting, remember that the storm doesn't last forever. Things will get better and you'll be stronger. 


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Well this can't be good...

Lately I've been having situations come up or ideas pop in my head that I say (internally of course) ooh I should blog about that! I basically figure out what I want to say and exactly how I want to say it and tell myself that the second I find a computer, I'm going to sit down, write it all out and then have this fantastic blog for all of my friends to read. Problem is, that never happens. As soon as I have a wonderful blog in my head, I sit down, pull up this site and then start to type, only to find my brain void of any original thought whatsoever. It's like my brain is saying "neener neener" because I've got a huge case of writer's block. Even now, talking about the writer's block, it's like I can't create words. Since my brain is being mean, I guess I'll tell you a little story. 

Picture it...Pita Pit in Kanawha City...May 21, 2011:

So a few days ago I went to my orientation at KVCTC and when you go in, you get a little "welcome package" that has a bag, pen, pencil and a t-shirt, among other things. Well yesterday, I wore my t-shirt that I got to work, and then to Pita Pit for dinner. I order my food and the guy behind the counter goes "Hey, are you a teacher there?"


Please tell me I don't look old enough to be a college professor!!!


Say it isn't so!!!!!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

3 things!

Last time I talked about my 10 favorite things. Today we're going to take it down a notch. Today we're going with things that I miss. A little depressing? Perhaps. Therapeutic? Possibly. A bit of a downer? More than likely. However, I'd like for my readers (however many there are) to get a better idea about me. Besides, when I'm void of original thought, these are things that I can come up with. :o) Brilliant? Oh yeah.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, brought to you by a delicious bag of Pepperidge Farm Orange Milano cookies, I present to you: My top 3 things I miss.

3. Being a kid! I must say, being a kid was awesome and I didn't even realize it. 2 words: Mandatory Napping. Seriously, I would love for someone to come along at 2:30 every day and be like, "Well, OK Ashley, it's nap time. I'm going to need you to stop the work you're doing and take a nap". Seriously, how awesome would that be? Plus, I was freaking adorable as a child.

 (See? Precious.)

2. College life! How in the world I made it through my freshman through junior years at Marshall is beyond me. Sure, there were classes and tests, but there was also staying up late with friends watching The Golden Girls until you literally passed out or playing pranks on your roommate or late night at the cafeteria. Seriously, given the opportunity to go back and have all you can eat as long as you didn't leave the cafeteria and the only thing you had to do was clean up your table, wouldn't you go back? Um, yes please!

1. Family and friends who have passed away! I swear, I've been blessed to know some of the most amazing people ever. While most of these amazing people are still here with us, there are quite a few who are in heaven with Jesus right now. While I miss them here, it's great to know that because of Jesus, I get to see them again one day! OK, here we go:

 This, for those of you who don't know, is D-Doll. She was my great grandmother and the most amazing Christian woman I've ever known. She had this way of knowing how to drive you right to the edge of crazy, then bring you back because she loved you so much. She left behind so many great memories and so many great catch-phrases. She was the epitome of a prayer warrior, but you never wanted to ask her to pray at Thanksgiving (of course you always did) because she'd pray for 10 minutes and all you wanted to do was eat. Oh what I would give to hear her pray like that one more time! I hope to be like her one day! She loved everyone she met and when she said "I'll pray for you" she meant it. She passed away in 2007 due to dementia. Love you D-Doll!

 This is Pops. He was my grandpa on my mom's side. He was absolutely the most kind-hearted, goofy, Godly man I've met. He was my absolute best friend for most of my life. I always felt like we had a special bond. People say that we act just alike. I can't tell you how many times I've been called "Little Dayton" (for both looks and actions). He always had this positive attitude about everything and always seemed to know the right things to say to make you feel better and feel special. I miss him more and more each day. I think it makes it harder that I never got to say goodbye or never got to tell him how much he influenced my life. I always strive to know that if he's looking down on me and watching over me, he's proud of what he sees. No matter how old I get, I'll always be his Turkey Bird (that was his nickname for me). He passed away in 1999 of a heart attack in his sleep. 

    These are my grandparents  on my dad's side. I don't have many memories of them, but from what I remember and what I've been told, they were amazing people. I don't remember many specific memories of them, but what I do remember is that when I was at their house, I felt loved. I still feel like my grandma is watching over me. Since I was little, I've always felt that she's my guardian angel. At times I feel cheated that I didn't get to become close with them since I was so young when they died. Both of them passed away in 1988, my grandpa to a heart attack and my grandma to cancer. 

There are many other people who should be mentioned here. These are people that at one time or another, I was close with and then we somewhat lost touch, but their impact on my life is the same regardless.

 Halley Smith: passed away in 2010 to cancer. We grew up together and after I graduated high school we went our own separate ways, but she's always with me. I just regret that we didn't stay in touch.

 Jon Foster: passed away in 2010 to a motorcycle accident. He was my first boyfriend and we were practically inseparable until high school when our paths took different directions. Once again, the memories are still there and I'll never forget him.

 Corey Alexander: passed away in 2010 to suicide. Corey was my younger cousin and always held a special place in my heart. We weren't part of a very close knit family, so we didn't see each other much, but he was always loved.

And there ya have it kids. These are the things I miss! I hope you've learned a little bit more about me! Take time to enjoy the things you have now, because they might not be around tomorrow. Hug those you love. Tell them you care. You never know when they'll be gone. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 things!

Good morning kids! I saw this on my friend Jennifer's blog and decided I'm going to do it as well. You're apparently supposed to tag people, but I hate calling people out, so if you want to do it too, have at it. It really is what all the cool kids are doing these days. :o) Anyway, what you're supposed to do is pick 10 of your favorite things, so without further adieu, I present to you, My 10 Favorite Things:

10. Laughing! I absolutely love something that will make me laugh so hard I cry. There really isn't a better feeling! Laughter is the best medicine! It can make you feel better when you're feeling all around crummy. It reduces stress hormones, releases good hormones like endorphins and helps lower blood pressure. See? What are you waiting on? Laugh!!

9. Babies! I just love babies. From their oh so soft skin, to their teeny tiny toes, to their little bitty ears. I even love them when they're crying or have a dirty diaper. Some people are bothered by those things, but I just think it's so sweet. Plus, it's a good feeling to know that just by holding, changing or feeding them, they can relax and for anyone who has ever felt a once screaming baby relax in your arms, it's a great feeling. 


8. Elderly people! So many people write off the elderly like they are no longer a functioning part of society. I hate that! The older generations have so many stories to tell! They know things we have no clue about. I've talked to many older people who know what it's like to only have the food that you raise or grow. I know nothing about what it takes to have a successful garden. I'm convinced that plants drop dead at the sheer sight of me. These older people have survived wars, depression and some of the most crazy parts of our American history. I can remember my great-grandma sitting with me and just telling me stories of what it was like when she was younger. Yes, I know that they can get cranky and cantankerous (I really just wanted to use that word) but a lot of times, they're having to adjust to life changes and diseases taking over their bodies as well as their friends. I know when my great-grandma passed away, she didn't have hardly any of her friends alive. Think about what they've been through and see how happy you feel. 


7. Weddings! I love weddings. I don't care if I know you or not, I love them. I can watch TV weddings and I cry. I'm the kind of person that would be a wedding crasher, but just come to the wedding, cry and go home. I don't even need to go to the reception and take the food. You know Katherine Heigl's character on 27 Dresses and how she is about weddings? Yeah, that's me. I live for the weddings when the bride is walking down then aisle smiling as big as can be and the groom is at the end of the aisle crying. Love it. Love, love, love, love.


6. My friends! I sincerely believe I have the best friends in the world! I feel I have 3 absolute best friends, Beth, Annie and Nikki. I've known Beth since we were infants. Literally known each other our whole lives. Annie I've known since 9th grade. Nikki I've known since my junior year at Marshall. Each of them are different, but oh so awesome! I love these guys!

(<-- Beth)(<-- Nikki)(<--Annie)

5. Movies! I love going to movies, I love renting movies, I love watching made for TV movies...I just like movies!!! Some favorites? Of course the Twilight Saga movies (Eclipse being the favorite), Hairspray and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. 


4. Food! I love all kinds of food! Italian food, Greek food, American food, you name it! (Except Chinese food...ick!) Of course I have my certain items that I don't care for, such as things cooked on the BBQ, box mac and cheese and meat that isn't cow, pig, turkey or chicken, but for the most part, I'll eat anything!

    haha :o)

3. Jesus! I have been in church my whole life. I don't know where or what I'd be without my Jesus! I can't thank Him enough for his grace!!

2. Jacey! Oh my adorably ridiculous little girl...she's so goofy looking it's precious! She barks way too much and listens way too little, but she's my baby girl. She's such a good snuggler and she makes me happy! Love that girl!



1. Christian! He's my favorite...always, always, always. He's my goober face, my rotten egg, my stinky mcstinkface. I love that kid with all my heart! He's the best thing to ever happen to me! Nothing left to say about that!


So there ya have it. It's kind of long and there's lots of pictures, but now you know my 10 favorite things!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's because I'm green isn't it?!

Well, the whiny baby is still here. I'm trying to keep her under control, but it's hard. I should get credit for effort though, right? Yeah, I thought so too.

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I don't really have much to blog about, but I want to keep myself in the habit of blogging so that it becomes something I just do rather than something I just forget about. Since I don't have much in the original thought category, I guess I'll tell you something about me. Let's go with one of my favorite movies.

"The Grinch" (the Jim Carrey version)

I know it's a Christmas movie, but I swear, that movie is hilarious! I watch it all year long! For those of you who don't know the story line...have you been hiding under a rock?!?! Haha, no seriously. It's about this green guy called The Grinch. He lives on Mount Crumpit, just north of Whoville. All the Whos down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot, but the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville, did not. All of Whoville is scared of him except little Cindy Lou Who, who believes in the goodness of his heart. What happens in this movie? Well, if you don't already know, then rent it/netflix it/buy it/whatever! It's awesome!

This movie is just funny. Jim Carrey's antics are hilarious and the way he makes you fall in love with the Grinch, regardless of how bad he is, is just wonderful. Plus, this movie has some of the best quotes in it! I watch it anytime I'm in a bad mood and I DEFINITELY recommend it to anyone looking for a feel good movie!

Alright guys, my cough medicine is kicking in, so I'm heading to bed. Sweet dreams kids!


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rockabye Baby...

Hola senors and senoritas! I hope life has been treating you well. 

So, many of you may be wondering about the title of this entry. No I'm not pregnant. No I don't know anyone who recently found out their pregnant. No I don't know anyone who JUST had a baby. OK, well, Austin is 2 weeks old, but he's not really really brand new. He is really cute sweet....but that's beside the point. The reason for the title is because I'm sick, and when I'm sick, I'm a baby. And by baby, I mean I want someone to hold me and rub my hair until I feel better and will listen to me whine. If I could just get rid of this wretched cough, I'd be fine. It's one of those hacking coughs that makes my chest, back and under my arms hurt. It's annoying and I could easily do without it. Just in case you're wondering, I do follow proper cough etiquette! I just hope my insurance kicks in soon so that I can go to the doctor for this!

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So how is everyone else? Hopefully not being as whiny as I am!!