Sunday, May 1, 2011

Rockabye Baby...

Hola senors and senoritas! I hope life has been treating you well. 

So, many of you may be wondering about the title of this entry. No I'm not pregnant. No I don't know anyone who recently found out their pregnant. No I don't know anyone who JUST had a baby. OK, well, Austin is 2 weeks old, but he's not really really brand new. He is really cute sweet....but that's beside the point. The reason for the title is because I'm sick, and when I'm sick, I'm a baby. And by baby, I mean I want someone to hold me and rub my hair until I feel better and will listen to me whine. If I could just get rid of this wretched cough, I'd be fine. It's one of those hacking coughs that makes my chest, back and under my arms hurt. It's annoying and I could easily do without it. Just in case you're wondering, I do follow proper cough etiquette! I just hope my insurance kicks in soon so that I can go to the doctor for this!

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So how is everyone else? Hopefully not being as whiny as I am!!

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