Sunday, May 22, 2011

Well this can't be good...

Lately I've been having situations come up or ideas pop in my head that I say (internally of course) ooh I should blog about that! I basically figure out what I want to say and exactly how I want to say it and tell myself that the second I find a computer, I'm going to sit down, write it all out and then have this fantastic blog for all of my friends to read. Problem is, that never happens. As soon as I have a wonderful blog in my head, I sit down, pull up this site and then start to type, only to find my brain void of any original thought whatsoever. It's like my brain is saying "neener neener" because I've got a huge case of writer's block. Even now, talking about the writer's block, it's like I can't create words. Since my brain is being mean, I guess I'll tell you a little story. 

Picture it...Pita Pit in Kanawha City...May 21, 2011:

So a few days ago I went to my orientation at KVCTC and when you go in, you get a little "welcome package" that has a bag, pen, pencil and a t-shirt, among other things. Well yesterday, I wore my t-shirt that I got to work, and then to Pita Pit for dinner. I order my food and the guy behind the counter goes "Hey, are you a teacher there?"


Please tell me I don't look old enough to be a college professor!!!


Say it isn't so!!!!!


1 comment:

Linda said...

NO, it's not so