Last time I talked about my 10 favorite things. Today we're going to take it down a notch. Today we're going with things that I miss. A little depressing? Perhaps. Therapeutic? Possibly. A bit of a downer? More than likely. However, I'd like for my readers (however many there are) to get a better idea about me. Besides, when I'm void of original thought, these are things that I can come up with. :o) Brilliant? Oh yeah.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, brought to you by a delicious bag of Pepperidge Farm Orange Milano cookies, I present to you: My top 3 things I miss.
Being a kid! I must say, being a kid was awesome and I didn't even realize it. 2 words: Mandatory Napping. Seriously, I would love for someone to come along at 2:30 every day and be like, "Well, OK Ashley, it's nap time. I'm going to need you to stop the work you're doing and take a nap". Seriously, how awesome would that be? Plus, I was freaking adorable as a child.

(See? Precious.)
2. College life! How in the world I made it through my freshman through junior years at Marshall is beyond me. Sure, there were classes and tests, but there was also staying up late with friends watching The Golden Girls until you literally passed out or playing pranks on your roommate or late night at the cafeteria. Seriously, given the opportunity to go back and have all you can eat as long as you didn't leave the cafeteria and the only thing you had to do was clean up your table, wouldn't you go back? Um, yes please!
1. Family and friends who have passed away! I swear, I've been blessed to know some of the most amazing people ever. While most of these amazing people are still here with us, there are quite a few who are in heaven with Jesus right now. While I miss them here, it's great to know that because of Jesus, I get to see them again one day! OK, here we go:

This, for those of you who don't know, is D-Doll. She was my great grandmother and the most amazing Christian woman I've ever known. She had this way of knowing how to drive you right to the edge of crazy, then bring you back because she loved you so much. She left behind so many great memories and so many great catch-phrases. She was the epitome of a prayer warrior, but you never wanted to ask her to pray at Thanksgiving (of course you always did) because she'd pray for 10 minutes and all you wanted to do was eat. Oh what I would give to hear her pray like that one more time! I hope to be like her one day! She loved everyone she met and when she said "I'll pray for you" she meant it. She passed away in 2007 due to dementia. Love you D-Doll!

This is Pops. He was my grandpa on my mom's side. He was absolutely the most kind-hearted, goofy, Godly man I've met. He was my absolute best friend for most of my life. I always felt like we had a special bond. People say that we act just alike. I can't tell you how many times I've been called "Little Dayton" (for both looks and actions). He always had this positive attitude about everything and always seemed to know the right things to say to make you feel better and feel special. I miss him more and more each day. I think it makes it harder that I never got to say goodbye or never got to tell him how much he influenced my life. I always strive to know that if he's looking down on me and watching over me, he's proud of what he sees. No matter how old I get, I'll always be his Turkey Bird (that was his nickname for me). He passed away in 1999 of a heart attack in his sleep.

These are my grandparents on my dad's side. I don't have many memories of them, but from what I remember and what I've been told, they were amazing people. I don't remember many specific memories of them, but what I do remember is that when I was at their house, I felt loved. I still feel like my grandma is watching over me. Since I was little, I've always felt that she's my guardian angel. At times I feel cheated that I didn't get to become close with them since I was so young when they died. Both of them passed away in 1988, my grandpa to a heart attack and my grandma to cancer.
There are many other people who should be mentioned here. These are people that at one time or another, I was close with and then we somewhat lost touch, but their impact on my life is the same regardless.

Halley Smith: passed away in 2010 to cancer. We grew up together and after I graduated high school we went our own separate ways, but she's always with me. I just regret that we didn't stay in touch.

Jon Foster: passed away in 2010 to a motorcycle accident. He was my first boyfriend and we were practically inseparable until high school when our paths took different directions. Once again, the memories are still there and I'll never forget him.

Corey Alexander: passed away in 2010 to suicide. Corey was my younger cousin and always held a special place in my heart. We weren't part of a very close knit family, so we didn't see each other much, but he was always loved.
And there ya have it kids. These are the things I miss! I hope you've learned a little bit more about me! Take time to enjoy the things you have now, because they might not be around tomorrow. Hug those you love. Tell them you care. You never know when they'll be gone.
Seriously! I work in childcare and most of them HATE naps...they don't realize how lucky they are! Love your blog.
Thanks! I just wish you could be a grown up first so you could appreciate childhood!
That would be great, but I don't think people could survive adulthood without looking back at childhood memories. ;)
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